Board game project Diary – week 1

When I first thought about this submission I had several challenges in mind. First, I wanted to work in a team because that is what I’m most likely to do after this MA and I want to be able to adapt my creative process to it. That is why I’ve started to work with Kelly... Continue Reading →

Player’s motivations

Introduction First of all, we need to understand the meaning of the word “motivation”. The Oxford dictionary provides us a really basic but precise definition of motivation: “it’s a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.” It so involves the fact of acting and/or behaving. In our case, what’s going to... Continue Reading →


  What is emergence? Steven Johnson wrote a book named “emergence” in which he describes emergence as the behaviour that derives from the interaction within complex system (as an example, examine behaviour of ants’ colonies which is one of the most complex social structure). Johnson points five features of complex system: àmore is different àignorance... Continue Reading →

Culture Games

  Does the word “culture” apply to video games? When you see the definition of culture on the Cambridge dictionary, the first definition that comes out is “Culture, way of life: The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time.” Then the second definition... Continue Reading →


  What is conditioning, and how does it apply to games design? Conditioning means, modifying the behaviour of an organism through reward or punishment. It’s one of the most important thing while designing a game. To understand the concept of conditioning, we can get interested in Pavlov experiment. He was using a bell and paired... Continue Reading →

Game Theory

What are zero-sum games and non-zero-sum games? Game theory is part of the mathematic field. It’s focusing on the interactions (choices) the players make who are conscious about the existence of these interactions. It’s mostly used in economy, political science, psychology, logic, computer science and biology. At first, it was made for zero-sum games where... Continue Reading →

Realism in video games

Introduction: The Oxford dictionary provides us a really basic definition of realism, it gives us the different meaning of this word, so we can guess that realism is a particular complicated notion to understand. The most interesting one for us is the one that applies to paintings, drawings, or in our case, in video games.... Continue Reading →

Indie Games

What is an indie Game?      It can be a really complicated question to ask. When we are referencing to an Indie company it can be related to the game industry, the music industry, the book industry, in conclusion in any industry. The word Indie is related to two things: The fact that something... Continue Reading →

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